Training For Reigning 1-3

Training For Reigning 1-3

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Product Code: TFR1
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Product Description

Training for Reigning by Pastor Chris. Train yourself to talk right... train yourself to talk the word! Train yourself to have a positive mentality and become a problem solver… That’s the way to victorious living!!! This teaching is an excellent resource material for leadership building and development. It’s a message that will make you a more effective Christian and a spiritually developed leader in the house of God, as you learn: ·How to train, energize and exercise yourself spiritually ·The 3 kinds of men that the bible talks about “ the natural man, the carnal man, and the spiritual man, ·How to train your spirit through God’s Word in order to speak the right language the language of the spiritual man. This message will not only build and develop your spirit as an individual, it will give you the right training you need for reigning!!!! Get Training for Reigning by Pastor Chris today.

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